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  • Providence, the City of Ruin | Warlord Protocol Card Gallery

    Providence, the City of Ruin Warlord Protocol - Card Gallery < Previous Card Next Card > Card Name: Providence, the City of Ruin Nova Genesis Territory ​ [CLAIM] You may force another player to burn 1 victory point. [ACTIVATE] Pay 1 resource and burn 1 victory point: Deal damage equal to the amount of victory points burned this turn. ____________________ Exalted Gun Gunawan WP 129 ​ ​ 1 ​ 3 [06/09/2022] Providence deals damage equal to the total number of victory points burned by all players this turn. Faction: Card Type: Subtype: Ability Text: Rarity: Artist: Recruitment Cost: Attack Value: Card ID: Defense Value: Health Points: Victory Value: Rulings: Rec. Cost Lore Text:

  • Volatile Prowler | Warlord Protocol Card Gallery

    Volatile Prowler Warlord Protocol - Card Gallery < Previous Card Next Card > Card Name: Volatile Prowler ​ Bioweapon Lesser [ELIMINATE] Claim a Territory. Then, you may void a card in the recruitment area with a recruitment cost of 4 or less. ____________________ Common Afda Trihatma WP 112 ​ ​ ​ 4 ​ ​ Faction: Card Type: Subtype: Ability Text: Rarity: Artist: Recruitment Cost: Attack Value: Card ID: Defense Value: Health Points: Victory Value: Rulings: Rec. Cost Lore Text:

  • Pristine Wilds | Warlord Protocol Card Gallery

    Pristine Wilds Warlord Protocol - Card Gallery < Previous Card Next Card > Card Name: Pristine Wilds Neutral Territory ​ [CLAIM] Draw a card. [ACTIVATE] Pay 2 resources: Gain 1 victory point. ____________________ Common Gun Gunawan WP 119 ​ ​ ​ ​ 3 ​ Faction: Card Type: Subtype: Ability Text: Rarity: Artist: Recruitment Cost: Attack Value: Card ID: Defense Value: Health Points: Victory Value: Rulings: Rec. Cost Lore Text:

  • Jason's Scrapyard | Warlord Protocol Card Gallery

    Jason's Scrapyard Warlord Protocol - Card Gallery < Previous Card Next Card > Card Name: Jason's Scrapyard Cybernetic Federation Territory ​ [TRIGGER] Once per turn, when you play a Fortification, gain 1 victory point. ____________________ Limited < Card Incomplete > WP 124 ​ ​ ​ ​ 2 ​ Faction: Card Type: Subtype: Ability Text: Rarity: Artist: Recruitment Cost: Attack Value: Card ID: Defense Value: Health Points: Victory Value: Rulings: Rec. Cost Lore Text:

  • Malphas, the Defiler | Warlord Protocol Card Gallery

    Malphas, the Defiler Warlord Protocol - Card Gallery < Previous Card Next Card > Card Name: Malphas, the Defiler ​ Bioweapon Greater [ELIMINATE] Claim a Territory and draw a card. Then, each opponent discards a card and burns 2 victory point. ____________________ Exalted Muhammad Fajri WP 092 ​ ​ ​ 8 ​ ​ Faction: Card Type: Subtype: Ability Text: Rarity: Artist: Recruitment Cost: Attack Value: Card ID: Defense Value: Health Points: Victory Value: Rulings: Rec. Cost Lore Text: "You came seeking knowledge, and knowledge I shall grant. But in return, you will become our drudge. And when the time comes, I will call upon you to help us bring about a marvelous new world for me and my kin." - Malphas, the Defiler ____________________ "You came seeking knowledge, and knowledge I shall grant. But in return, you will become our drudge. And when the time comes, I will call upon you to help us bring about a marvelous new world for me and my kin." - Malphas, the Defiler ____________________

  • Nova Genesis | Warlord Protocol

    “Our world is teetering on the brink of annihilation, and yet no one seems to be willing to do what is necessary to ensure our collective survival. If humanity cannot be trusted to make the required sacrifices, then Nova Genesis will have to step in and make those decisions for them. We will either unite this broken world, or we will dredge up whatever remains and create a new one from its ashes.” - Elymas Birsha, Chancellor of Nova Genesis Nova Genesis "Our world teeters on the brink of annihilation. And with every day that passes, we see the reality of our situation becoming ever clearer. But no one seems to be willing to do what is necessary to ensure our collective survival. And if Humanity as a whole cannot be trusted to make the necessary sacrifices, then Nova Genesis will step in and make those decisions for them. I will not repeat the mistakes of my predecessor, that much I can promise to all of you. We will either unite this broken world or we will dredge up whatever remains from the ashes to create a new one." - Elymas Birsha, Chancellor or Nova Genesis About the Legacy Militia: Nova Genesis is an authoritarian regime that seized control of the nation of Providence and instigated the great war. While its former dictator was overthrown at the end of the liberation war, the faction is still perceived as oppressive and antagonistic. This faction is comprised almost entirely of novans, which are humans born with the innate ability to manipulate the reality that surrounds them. Nova Genesis believes that a cataclysm of cosmological proportions will soon render the world uninhabitable, and they are willing to go to any lengths to ensure their own survival. This faction derives its power from playing action cards and seeks to control as many victory points as possible. ​ Additional faction lore coming soon... About Nova Genesis: Nova Genesis is an authoritarian regime that once seized control of the nation of Providence and instigated the great war. While its former dictator was overthrown at the end of the liberation war, the faction is still perceived as oppressive and antagonistic. This faction is comprised almost entirely of novans, which are humans born with the innate ability to manipulate the reality that surrounds them. Nova Genesis believes that the world is teetering on the brink of annihilation, and it is willing to go to any lengths to ensure that it survives any approaching cataclysm. This faction derives its power from playing action cards and seeks to control as many victory coins as possible. Nova Genesis Playstyle: Nova Genesis is a faction that cares very little about its reputation and is hellbent on victory. They are willing to do whatever they deem necessary to win, even if that means hurting themselves and the other factions in the process of achieving their goal. Their primary mechanics revolve around gaining, burning, and stealing victory points with additional bonuses provided for controlling multiple action cards. Nova Genesis is also the only faction with abilities that allow players to completely bypass defense in order to steal victory points from each other. ​ Nova Genesis is capable of dishing out a lot of damage, but their tactics tend to draw unwanted attention from other players. And without a strong defensive line, Nova Genesis can become somewhat of a glass cannon if players are not careful. Faction Playstyle: Nova Genesis cares very little about its reputation and is hellbent on victory. They are willing to do whatever they deem necessary to win, even if that means hurting themselves and the other factions in the process of achieving their goal. Their primary mechanics revolve around gaining, burning, and stealing victory points with additional bonuses provided for controlling multiple action cards. Nova Genesis is also the only faction with abilities that allow players to completely bypass defense in order to steal victory points from each other. Nova Genesis is capable of dishing out a lot of damage, but their tactics tend to draw unwanted attention from other players. And without a strong defensive line, Nova Genesis can become somewhat of a glass cannon if players are not careful. Nova Genesis Cards Coming Soon CLASSIFIED Coming Soon Coming Soon

  • Divine Machine | Warlord Protocol

    “Our nation has endured countless assaults from enemies on multiple fronts. And yet, I am afraid that our darkest days are looming just over the horizon. But we are the Divine Machine! And when we are unified, acting as one, no force on this planet has the power to topple our resolve! So to those that seek to destroy all that we have created, I have a simple message for you… You Will Never Succeed.” - Athereal, Guardian of the Divine Machine The Divine Machine About the Divine Machine: The Divine Machine is a spiritual theocracy that rules over the kingdom of Athos. With the help of a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence network, they seek to gain eternal enlightenment by living a life in which they harmonize their minds and bodies with machines. This faction's primary mechanic revolves around generating synergy through the use of ACTIVATE abilities, with a secondary focus on controlling cards of your faction. This faction relies heavily on its infantry cards and exceeds when it comes to dealing sustained damage over time while maintaining a strong defensive line. ​ ​ Faction Playstyle: The Divine Machine is a spiritual theocracy that rules over the kingdom of Athos. With the help of a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence network, they seek to gain eternal enlightenment by living a life in which they harmonize their minds and bodies with machines. This faction's primary mechanic revolves around generating synergy through the use of ACTIVATE abilities, with a secondary focus on controlling cards of your faction. This faction relies heavily on its infantry cards and exceeds when it comes to dealing a sustained amount of damage over time while maintaining a strong defensive line. Faction Playstyle: The Divine Machine is an infantry-focused faction that draws its strength from the solidarity of its citizens. This faction's primary mechanic allows its cards to become more effective when players control multiple cards of their warlord's faction. This includes everything from giving their infantry an attack boost to drawing extra cards as part of the resolution of an ability. The Divine Machine also places a secondary focus on territory control, but to a lesser degree than the United Human Coalition. ​ The Divine Machine is a well-rounded faction that is more than capable of dealing high amounts of attack damage while providing a moderate level of defense. However, this combat-focused strategy is not without its drawbacks. Their ability to interact with and influence the strategies of their enemies is limited at best. Divine Machine Cards CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED Coming Soon Coming Soon About the Legacy Militia: The Divine Machine is a spiritual theocracy that rules over the kingdom of Athos. With the help of a highly sophisticated artificial intelligence network, they seek to gain eternal enlightenment by living a life in which they harmonize their minds and bodies with machines. This faction's primary mechanic revolves around generating synergy through the use of ACTIVATE abilities, with a secondary focus on controlling multiple cards of your faction. This faction relies heavily on its infantry cards and exceeds when it comes to dealing a sustained amount of damage over time while maintaining a strong defensive line. ​ Additional faction lore coming soon...

  • Cybernetic Federation | Warlord Protocol

    “The might of our technological prowess once kept our would-be adversaries at a respectable distance. But they have grown to be far more aggressive in recent years. So, unfortunately, we are being dragged into the senseless conflict that has plagued our beloved Nevir for generations. And if a peaceful resolution is not possible, then our enemies will learn why the Federation is not to be trifled with.” - Athena Farron, Admiral of the Cybernetic Federation The Cybernetic Federation About the Legacy Militia: The Cybernetic Federation governs the nation of Jupiter and is led by a small council of oligarchs. Their cities rest upon the sky islands that float high above the planet's surface, and the faction boasts a powerful naval force that has allowed them to stay relatively neutral as the events of the great war played out beneath them. The Federation relies heavily on its fortification cards while its infantry cards serve more of a supportive role. Their primary mechanic allows them to generate synergy through the destruction of their fortification cards. The degree to which they benefit from this mechanic increases with the number of fortifications they control. ​ Additional faction lore coming soon... ​ About the Cybernetic Federation : The Cybernetic Federation governs the nation of Jupiter and is led by a small council of oligarchs. Their cities rest upon the sky islands that float high above the planet's surface, and the faction boasts a powerful naval force that has allowed them to stay relatively neutral as the events of the great war played out beneath them. The Cybernetic Federation's primary mechanic allows them to generate synergy through the destruction of their fortification cards, with a secondary focus on controlling multiple fortifications. This faction relies heavily on its fortification cards while its infantry cards serve more of a supporting role. Faction P laystyle: The Cybernetic Federation is a resourceful faction that focuses on destroying its own fortifications to power its abilities. While destroying your own cards sounds bad at first, the trade-off is always worth it. Every fortification within the Federation's arsenal features a powerful ability that triggers when the card is destroyed. The Federation also provides players with plenty of ways to quickly cycle through their decks and retrieve their destroyed cards. The Cybernetic Federation is probably the most synergistic faction in Warlord Protocol, making them a force to be reckoned with if they go unchecked. However, this also has the side effect of making them less flexible than the other five factions and therefore more difficult to play effectively. That being said, more experienced players may find their playstyle to be satisfying and rewarding. ​ Faction P laystyle: The Cybernetic Federation is a resourceful faction that focuses on destroying its own fortifications to power its abilities. While destroying your own cards sounds bad at first, the trade-off is always worth it. Every fortification within the Federation's arsenal features a powerful ability that triggers when the card is destroyed. The Federation also provides players with plenty of ways to quickly cycle through their decks and retrieve their destroyed cards. ​ The Cybernetic Federation is probably the most synergistic faction in Warlord Protocol, making them a force to be reckoned with if they go unchecked. However, this also has the side effect of making them less flexible than the other five factions and therefore more difficult to play effectively. That being said, more experienced players may find their playstyle to be satisfying and rewarding. Cybernetic Federation Cards Coming Soon Coming Soon CLASSIFIED Coming Soon

  • United Human Coalition | Warlord Protocol

    “Humanity once flourished as Nevir’s apex predators. But then Genesis and their blasted abominations brought our world crumbling to its knees. The bioweapons that now roam this planet have taken our land as their own, and we have lived in their shadows for far too long. We will reclaim what is rightfully ours, and anyone that gets in our way will be subject to our wrath!” - Johanna Rios, UHC Supreme Commander The United Human Coalition About the Legacy Militia: The United Human Coalition (UHC) is an authoritarian democracy that governs the nation of Assir. This faction is comprised entirely of humans, many of whom harbor residual resentment towards novans and voidborn due to the events of the great war. The UHC seeks to reclaim regions of the planet they believe to be rightfully theirs, and they will not hesitate to crush anyone or anything that stands in their way. This faction's primary goal is to control as many territory cards as possible by any means necessary. Their fortification and infantry cards gain enhanced utility as territories come under their control. ​ Additional faction lore coming soon... About the United Human Co alition: The United Human Coalition (UHC) is an authoritarian democracy that governs the nation of Assir. This faction is comprised entirely of humans, many of whom harbor residual resentments towards novans and voidborn due to the events of the great war. The UHC seeks to reclaim regions of the planet they believe to be rightfully theirs, and they will not hesitate to crush anyone or anything that stands in their way. The faction's primary goal is to control as many territory cards as possible by any means necessary. Their fortification and infantry cards gain enhanced utility as territories come under their control. Faction Playstyle: The United Human Coalition is all about territory control. So, their abilities revolve around the core mechanics of claiming, controlling, and conquering as many territory cards as possible. And each of the Coalition's warlord cards focuses on one of these core mechanics while their infantry cards provide support. The Coalition also wants to prevent their opponents from acquiring a large collection of territory cards, so they're more than willing to destroy the landscape if it means those cards will not be used against them. ​ The United Human Coalition also has more fortification cards than any other faction, all of which play into their theme of territory control in some way. This also means that players are more likely to build up a strong defense; so, stealing victory points might become more difficult when the Coalition is around. Faction Playstyle: The United Human Coalition is all about territory control. So, their abilities revolve around the core mechanics of claiming, controlling, and conquering as many territory cards as possible. And each of the Coalition's warlord cards focuses on one of these core mechanics while their infantry cards provide support. The Coalition also wants to prevent their opponents from acquiring a large collection of territory cards, so they're more than willing to destroy the landscape if it means those cards will not be used against them. The United Human Coalition also has more fortification cards than any other factions, all of which play into their theme of territory control in some way. This also means that players are more likely to build up a strong defense; so, stealing victory points might become more difficult when the Coalition is around. UHC Cards CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED

  • Card Gallery | Warlord Protocol

    Welcome to the card gallery, a database containing every card in Warlord Protocol. You can browse through the collection and use filters to find cards with certain traits. Click on a card's image for more details and rulings. Card Gallery Reset Filters Filter by Artist arrow&v Card Type arrow&v Faction arrow&v Ability Types arrow&v Card Rarity arrow&v Card Subtype arrow&v Health Points arrow&v Attack Value arrow&v Rec. Cost arrow&v Defense Value arrow&v Victory Value arrow&v

  • Awakened Legion | Warlord Protocol

    “Few have fought for their place on Nevir as much as the voidborn. In the earliest years of our emergence, we were enslaved to fuel the machinations of a cruel tyrant. Even now, there are those that seek our annihilation merely for existing. But we have shown this world that we are not so easily broken! If our enemies want a fight, then they will experience the power of the Void firsthand!" - Zamia Syn, Chieftain of the Awakened Legion The Awakened Legion "We may have gained our freedom from the tyrants that sought to subjugate us, but we must remain vigilant if we want to safeguard our independence and way of life. We voidborn have so much to offer to this world. While our history on this planet may be in its early stages, we have accomplished so much in such a short period of time. And this city, Renati, is just one of those many accomplishments. There is so much for us to learn about the nature of our existence and I will do everything in my power to ensure that our enemies do not prevent us from realizing our full potential." - Zamia Syn, Chieftan of the Awakened Legion About the Legacy Militia: The Awakened Legion founded the democratic republic of Renati after obtaining their independence from Nova Genesis at the end of the liberation war. The vast majority of this faction's members are voidborn, many of whom have been fighting for their lives since the day they reemerged on the planet. The Awakened Legion relies on its ability to manipulate the void in order to gain the upper hand in battle. This faction is also quite resourceful, and can easily make use of any cards they retrieve from the void. Additionally, their abilities grow in power and utility based on the number of cards that enter the void each turn. ​ Additional faction lore coming soon... About the Awakened Legion: The Awakened Legion founded the democratic republic of Renati after obtaining their independence from Nova Genesis at the end of the liberation war, a civil war that was instigated and financed by the Legacy Militia . The vast majority of this faction's members are voidborn, which are former humans and novans that perished within the void. While they resemble their former selves, they retain no memories from their past life and possess the unique ability to manipulate void energy in its raw state. The Awakened Legion's primary mechanic allows them to generate synergy by sending cards into the void and retrieving cards from it. Faction Playstyle: The Awakened Legion is a highly synergistic faction that draws its power from the Void. In general, their cards become more efficient when you manipulate the Void by either sending cards into it or retrieving cards from it. In addition to dealing extra damage, the Legion's ability to control the Void enables payers to manipulate the availability of cards in the recruitment area and remove unwanted basic cards from their personal decks. Their infantry cards also do a fine job at interfering with enemy strategies. ​ The Awakened Legion's playstyle has a good amount of variability built into it. The key to success when playing as one of the Legion's warlords is to stay flexible and do your best with the cards presented to you. Players that embrace the random and chaotic nature of the Void will be able to harness the Awakened Legion's awesome power. Faction Playstyle: The Awakened Legion is a highly synergistic faction that draws its power from the Void. In general, their cards become more efficient when you manipulate the Void by either sending cards into it or retrieving cards from it. In addition to dealing extra damage, the Legion's ability to control the Void enables payers to manipulate the availability of cards in the recruitment area and remove unwanted basic cards from their personal decks. Their infantry cards also do a fine job at interfering with enemy strategies. The Awakened Legion's playstyle has a good amount of variability built into it. The key to success when playing as one of the Legion's warlords is to stay flexible and do your best with the cards presented to you. Players that embrace the random and chaotic nature of the Void will be able to harness the Awakened Legion's awesome power. Awakened Legion Cards Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon Coming Soon

  • About Us | Gemstone Games

    Who are We? We are Gemstone Games, a small group of friends from the San Francisco Bay Area that decided to start making their own tabletop games! We mostly design games when we have free time away from our day jobs. The design process for our first major title, Warlord Protocol , began on January 15th, 2017. And the development process for Warlord Protocol began in October of 2018; which also happens to be the same month we launched our original website and social media pages. Since the start of 2021, we have been able to devote more time, energy, and funding to our game. So, development has picked up quite a bit. We are super excited to show you all the cool stuff we have in the works, and we hope you are too! ​ Our Mission We want to have full creative control over the games we make and the stories we tell. So, we're striving to become an indie-dev studio that can self-publish its own titles. We want to make fun, competitive, and social games that challenge players to develop their own unique tactics. We're also striving to make our games inclusive and welcoming to all players.​ We hope you stick around to follow us on our journey and support our creative efforts <3 ​ ​ Meet the Team ​ Cameron Dour (He/Him) Designer & Developer Project Manager ​ William Natarajan Designer QA Playtester Isaac Lee Designer QA Playtester ​ ​ Collaboration Here is a list of all the freelance artists that we have had the pleasure of working with. If you are looking for someone to help you with your next project, we highly recommend checking out and getting in contact with these awesome individuals! ​ Afda Trihatma Warlord Protocol: Commissioned for Creature Illustrations Artstation ​ Agus SW Warlord Protocol: Commissioned for Character & Environment Illustrations Artstation ​ ArtBrahim Commissioned for Graphic Design ("Gemstone Games" & "Warlord Protocol" Logos) Fiver ​ Edwin Hioe Warlord Protocol: Commissioned for Graphic Design (emblems/iconography) Artstation | Fiver ​ Fahmi Fauzi Warlord Protocol: Commissioned for Character Illustrations Artstation ​ Felix Hidayat Warlord Protocol: Commissioned for Character Illustrations Artstation ​ Gun Gunawan Warlord Protocol: Commissioned for Creature & Environment Illustrations Artstation ​ Muhammad Fajri Warlord Protocol: Commissioned for Creature Illustrations Artstation ​ Sam Kanios Warlord Protocol: Commissioned for Character Illustrations Artstation

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