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Athereal's Arbiter

Warlord Protocol - Card Gallery

Card Name:

Athereal's Arbiter

Divine Machine


[ACTIVATE] Pay 7 Resources: Deal 3 damage. Reduce the cost of this ability by 1 resource for each card you control of your faction, other than your Warlord.



Agus SW

WP 010



[06/08/2022] "Athereal's Arbiter" counts itself for its ACTIVATE ability. So, if you are playing as a warlord of the Divine Machine then its ability naturally costs 1 less resource.


Card Type:


Ability Text:



Recruitment Cost:

Attack Value:

Card ID:

Defense Value:

Health Points:

Victory Value:


Rec. Cost

Lore Text:

"Look to the Arbiter, Brothers and Sisters, and find courage in its resolve. It sits, casting its watchful gaze over our homeland, ready to defend this city with its life. Be like the Arbiter, Brothers and Sisters! Defend out people! Defend the Divine Machine!"


"Look to the Arbiter, Brothers and Sisters, and find courage in its resolve. It sits, casting its watchful gaze over our homeland, ready to defend this city with its life. Be like the Arbiter, Brothers and Sisters! Defend out people! Defend the Divine Machine!"


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